Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 8_Communication_Assessment (1)

Module 8_Communication_Assessment (1)

Q Module 08 Communication Assessment: Your Listening Styles Record your first impression to each of the following statements by indicating the degree to which you agree or disagree with them on a scale ranging from 1-7, where 1 = strongly disagree and 7= strongly agree.

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___7__ 1. When listening to others, it is important to understand the feelings of the speaker. __6__ 2. I listen to understand the emotions and mood of the speaker. __5___ 3. I listen primarily to build and maintain relationships with others. ___7__ 4. I enjoy listening to others because it allows me to connect with them. Analytical Listening ___6__ 5. I tend to withhold judgement about another’s ideas until I have heard everything they have to say. ___5__ 6. When listening to others, I consider all sides of the issue before responding. __5___ 7. I fully listen to what a person has to say before forming any opinions.